And...the ultimate heavyweight stain fighter champion of the world is Goop! Tested and tested. Tried and true. It's always Goop.
I am all about preserving our clothes around here. We would be spending an unnecessary amount of money on clothes if I couldn't remove stains. My grandma Jay introduced Goop to mom in 1991. It's a family favorite. My husband and son keep Goop in business. It will remove sharpie, blood, ketchup, red wine, oil and dirt stains, name it. But there are tricks.
1. Do not get the product wet before applying Goop.
2. You gotta use a little ganas (desire/effort) when you rub it in. My grandma has been known to use a spoon instead of just her fingernail. Some stains come out with the use of a toothbrush. I always use my fingernails.
3. Let it sit for at least 15 minutes.
4. The sooner, the better. I, however, have waited a week before getting in the laundry room to deal with stain madness. Most stains struggle after that long. Golf game stains, car oil, dirt and grease always seem to come out no matter how long I wait.
The only thing is the smell. I really dislike the smell. It doesn't bother Hubby. I will inevitably wash the clothes once with Goop and a second time with a new load, including fabric softener. Fabric softener doesn't rid the smell on one wash when using a ton of Goop, and most of our stains require a ton of goop. I have tried other stain fighters and none work like Goop. I recently tested Zout, which got great reviews on Amazon, and it did not get out any of the stains.
These are 3 items that sat for over a week. Frozen blueberries on pajamas, lots of grease and dirt on khaki shorts, and who knows what from Super Bowl Sunday on blue shorts. It's hard to see with the flash, but they're there and they're real. If I had thrown Goop on the pajamas the same day of the stain, it would have come out.
After applying Goop.
The blue shorts came out of the first wash with a Goop looking stain. I didn't dry and washed a second time. They came out perfect. I don't know why it does that sometimes. Goop is gentle enough and has not discolored any of Hubby's short sleeved polo shirts or golf shorts. If I wonder that it will discolor my clothes, or if I need an immediate fix, I will use a TINY bit of liquid hand soap and rub on the spot with my fingernail. Then a little rinse. Always seems to do the trick. This includes blood and olive oil.
Khaki and blue shorts are as good as new! No discoloring or stain left. One tiny blueberry spot remains on the pajamas. I'll just use a q-tip with bleach on the spot next time and wash. You can find Goop in the auto section at Wal-Mart for $1.67/tub, and it will last awhile. Thank you Goop!