August 10, 2016

How I lost my pregnancy weight

I gained 54 pounds when I was pregnant. My doctor wasn't concerned. She assured me I would be able to get it off. I didn't believe her. I was always hungry, and I was addicted to Starbuck's. I stopped on my way to work every day in the 2nd and 3rd trimester for a blueberry scone. It was my guiltest pleasure. I ate greens and ate as healthy as I could. I was just ALWAYS hungry.

This was me the night before I checked into the hospital. We went to the Michael Jackson Cirque du Soleil show. People stared. I didn't understand why until I saw this picture after my son was born. I must have looked like I would tip over at any moment. My family had bets on how big baby boy would be. Sweet boy was an average 7 pounds, 8 ounces.

When my son was 3 months, I saw a commercial for Tracy Anderson Metamorphosis. It looked easy enough, and I might get good results. I tried some of her other videos right before I got pregnant, so I didn't get to commit to them as I had done in the past with Tae Bo, Power 90, P90, P90X and Slim in 6. I bought the Metamorphosis Glutecentric version. I was nowhere near my pre pregnancy weight and couldn't fit into any of my clothes. I was very intrigued by the commercial and so bored with the P90's of the world.

I have 2 be clear about 3 things.
1. I tried the eating plan for 2 days. It was disgusting, and I almost passed out in HEB. I decided to stick with my normal daily diet (white & green), because I already enjoyed eating well. I haven't been on a "diet" in over a decade. I consider my daily diet to be the way I normally eat.
2. I don't care what some say about her. I lost my pregnancy weight and another 15 pounds on top of that. The inches kept coming off. She keeps me motivated to move, and I feel powerful after her workout.
3. Her method is not for everyone, and that's ok! Some say they don't like it, without trying it, because they don't want to look like her. Tracy Anderson is 1 of 2 of J Lo's trainers, and J Lo looks like J Lo. The fact is - she gets you moving a way that most don't.

Just as P90 changes the workout to avoid focusing on one group of muscles, Metamorphosis changes to a new workout every 10 days. I admit it was a true dedication for 8 weeks. And it was definitely not as easy as it looked. She advises 6 days a week for 1 hour a day. I worked out 5 days a week for an hour a day for 8 weeks. I was determined. The inches and weight just fell off. I was content with fitting back in my clothes, so I backed off and did 30 minutes a day. At the end of 4 months, I weighed less than my pre pregnancy weight. I'd lost 18 pounds & 17.25 inches and continued to lose more. After another 5 months of 30 minutes a day, 4 days a week, I lost another 6 pounds and more inches.

Metamorphosis comes in 3 dvd's with 90 days of workouts. Tracy Anderson has made years worth of Metamorphosis DVD's, and I still have them delivered to my door. I may be back logged on them, as I do not exercise often enough to keep up with the program...but, Metamorphosis is still the only exercise I do. I feel like a powerhouse when I finish her workouts. I average 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week with some form of physical activity. Some of those days may be kicking the soccer ball with my son for 30 minutes. Then I'll catch one of her dance or exercise clips on instagram and get excited for a 30 minute workout the next day. When I do pop in her exercise video, I pick up from wherever I left off.

Whatever you choose to do as your exercise routine, just get moving! Exercise can help or prevent health problems, improve your mood, boost your energy, promote better sleep, and can be a fun way to spend time with your family.